‘People Are Hungry, Mr Speaker, There Is Nothing To Celebrate’ – Labour Party Lawmaker

Lilian LP lawmaker

A member of the Labour Party (LP) in the House of Representatives, Lilian Orogbu, has stated that there is nothing to celebrate about Nigeria’s 25 years of uninterrupted democracy.

Naija News reports that Lilian, representing Awka North/Awka South Constituency of Anambra State, on Wednesday, expressed divergent opinion on the state of affairs in the country, stating that the system of government has not yielded much result for the nation.

Orogbu, a professor of Business Administration, declared that Nigerians had not enjoyed good governance 25 years after the return of democracy.

The LP chieftain charged the lawmaker about delivering dividends of democracy to the people, adding that 25 years unbroken democracy had not translated into unbroken food security or access to education and healthcare.

She said, “We are celebrating 25 years of unbroken democratic system. This celebration is coming to me with so many mixed feelings because Nigerians are all watching us.

“Those people we are representing are listening to us. How much of this unbroken democracy that we are celebrating today has translated to unbroken food security? How has it transformed into unbroken security in the nation? How has it transformed into unbroken security in the nation? How has it transformed into unbroken access to education and healthcare?

“Democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. And it should change the lives of our people. Our people are hungry back home. To be honest with you Mr speaker, there is nothing to celebrate. We should be celebrating food security and access to healthcare.

“We need to do better because democracy has not impacted my people.”

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