The Senate President on Tuesday explains the importance of the Electoral Act Bill As the House Amends Section Barring Statutory Delegates From Convention
“Let me explain a little bit of what we have done. The amended Electoral Act of 2022 that we passed this year has a deficiency that was never intended.

“That deficiency will deny all statutory delegates in all political parties from participation in Congresses and Conventions and therefore such a major misplaced Clause ought to be amended before the Party Primaries starts in the next eight days.
“And therefore, this is an emergency legislation. The National Assembly will finish with the processing of this amendment on this Bill between today in the Senate and tomorrow in @HouseNGR, and then the Executive will do the assent within the week.

“That is so important to enable every statutory delegate to participate in the party primaries. This is an emergency effort to ensure that nobody is denied his/her rightful opportunity as a delegate.”