Pounds To Naira Exchange Rate/Black Market Rate Today 30 March 2022

This is the news about the Pounds to Naira rate at the official and black market exchange rate Today March 30 2022.

Read Naija News update on the official pounds rates as well as Black Market rates, Bureau De Change (BDC) rates, and CBN rates.

How Much is Pounds To Naira Exchange Rate Today Official Rate?

The official rate today, Wednesday, 30th March, 2022, for £1 pound to naira = ₦546.4618/£1.

According to the data from the CBN, exchange rate between the naira and the British pounds opened at ₦546.4618/£1 on Wednesday 30th March, after it closed at 545.2561 to a £1 on Tuesday, 29th March 2022.

Naija News reports that a pound is bought at the official market at ₦545.8046 and sold for 547.119.

How much is exchange rate of Pounds to Naira in Black Market today?

The exchange rate for a pound to naira at Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) players buy a dollar for ₦770 and sell for ₦785 on Wednesday, March 30th 2022, according to sources at Bureau De Change (BDC).

Nigerians Abandon 24.38 Million SIM-Cards In Two Years – NCC

The Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC said it is researching to confirm why over twenty million Subscriber Identity Module (SIM cards) are abandoned by citizens.

The commission revealed in its recent analysis that the number of abandoned mobile lines grew by 24.38 million in the last two years.

Naija News understands from the statistic released by the commission that the lines, though unused, are still connected and potentially active.

However, due to the inactiveness of some of those lines, they add no value to the growth of the national network.

This article was originally published on Nigeria News

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